Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Me and Esther are going on a quick hike in a moment (about 7-8 km). She hasn’t got a clue of where she’s going or where she’ll eventually end up, and that’s the way I like it.
I’ve instructed her to meet me in Perivale (I mean, who the hell would know where that is? Almost not even me, and that’s sort of worrying since I’m the one who’s eager to go), and that there will be, at some point or another, a few locks involved (and therefore, supposedly, a canal).
Poor, sensible Esther. Doesn’t know what she’s in for…moahahehe

But I’ve always liked locks. They’re exciting somehow. Fascinating (almost) beyond belief.

Just look at those boats, floating in such a harmonic and non-aggressive way, and then suddenly having to stop! Why? No-one knows! I sometimes think of locks when in an exceptionally philosophical mood.

The thing is, that there’s no-one in charge of these particular locks. You’re expected to operate them yourself. Probably in a “relatively sensible way”, but “sense” in itself is a relatively vague concept! It sort of relates to “logic”. And what is the logical way to work a lock (or anything else for that matter)? Well, it quite obviously depends on the desired outcome!
I’ve always played with the thought of making a little raft, placing it on the top lock (I think there are about ten of them here…) and then open all of them simultaneously! I mean, what a ride, come on…! It would be like Flume Ride but so, so much better!
Maybe blindfold a mate (Esther?) and use her as a guinea pig before you go yourself. (Yeah, that’s where the sense comes in!)
She would probably enjoy it.

PS. By the way, it didn’t really go as planned for Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest. I’m not sure in which place we ended up, but it was in the last ten. Either way we had a great night! After all, the UK came last, and that had to be celebrated, so we ended up joining some guys we met in the Swedish pub to go to a club. Definitely a good night! :-D


Anonymous said...

Well, its called white water rafting and grand union canal isn't big enough to create a waterfall........really! She doesn't believe me and is sitting next to me saying that it is rubbish. But for someone who didn't know why they built them in the first place...oh well. But sweden has the highest number of locks in a row: been there a long time ago. But anyway: the labirinth was fun! Got it in one go!! (I am only 6ft when standing on toes) (those same toes in soaking wet shoes but that can only increase the anticipation for the hot chocolate and desp housew..)Oh, hot chocolat in which your spoon can stand up....lovely blog by the way!

Anonymous said...

Ok, you got rid of the typo..but where can I see my text..this should be a democracie with freedom of speeeeeeeeeechhhhhh.....?

Anonymous said...

Ok, you got rid of the typo..but where can I see my text..this should be a democracie with freedom of speeeeeeeeeechhhhhh.....?

Evelyn said...

Yeah of course I was shouting “rubbish”!

1rst rubbish: throwing yourself through the gates of a lock is NOT called white water rafting. It’s called “throwing yourself through the gates of a lock”! And I’ve seen white water rafting several times on telly (and I’ve even done it myself! Fair enough, it was in an amusement park in a little boat with a bunny on it, but nevertheless…) and not even ONCE were there any locks involved!

2nd rubbish: Grand Union Canal is more than big enough for BOTH activities mentioned above. It’s not about size, Esther… It’s about the water pressure, and various points of resistance. I know this to be true, since I used to create both locks and waterfalls for my yellow rubber duck named Duck, to get through in the bathroom sink when I was little. And even though the sink was significantly smaller than the canal, the experience was evidently pretty traumatic for Duck, cos he still refuses to talk about it.

3rd rubbish: What?! I didn’t know why they were built? What? I told you I went to the same Swedish locks as you did when I was little. (The Trollhättan locks.) Of course I b.l.o.o.d.y knew why they were built! Dunno where that’s coming from. It’s not some sort of universal enigma like the pyramids, or why we’ve got an appendix, or why the face in the moon keeps staring at us every night!

4th rubbish: Yooou didn’t get the labyrinth in one go! First you ran into it and started climbing the first fence you saw, and by that risked destroying the local kids largest and dearest pride and joy! When that failed and you finally accepted to use the traditional way and eventually ended up in the middle, you climbed up into a little tree house to try to spot the way from there! Hahaha….and then, after what I can only guess to have been defeat, you turned back and went back the whole way from where you came! :D Got it in one go! Hahaha…
:-PpP Haha…


PS. Just saw your latest comment..which leads to an amazing 5th rubbish (!) - I I already published your comment just after coming back from the bush!

:PPPppp :)

Evelyn said...

And...hehe...yeah, I got rid of MY typo (draft/raft) but how is democracy spelt now again? Hm? :D
:D :D